Well, Hello Friend

How does one "start" a blog? What is the first post? Do I introduce myself to you all now? Or is that a part of the journey? Do I say my greetings, give my reasoning for wanting to blog, and tell you my future goals? So we go out for dinner and a movie, or just meet up for coffee? Most of the blogs that I've read started because the blogger was starting a new chapter of their life. A new job, just got engaged, traveling/traveled to a new country...but, I'm just...here.

I think I'll tell you a story. One time, a few years back, I tried to take a new route to a place I've been thousands of times before. Something told me that I should be "adventurous," and take the road less traveled. Unfortunately, that road got me lost. Not the kind of lost where you can pop into a gas station and get some pantomimed directions back to the highway. No. I was LOST. Like, surrounded by cows, fields, and my thoughts lost. My GPS gave up on signal about 10 miles back, and somehow I ended up in a completely different part of my home state. I remember I pulled over and lost it. I started crying. I hated myself for trying something so out of my comfort zone, and I thought I'd never figure out my way back home (In retrospect I was only 30 minutes away from home). I called my dad and thankfully he knew where I was. He told me how to get back home, and I didn't even end up at my destination. I couldn't just enjoy the ride. I figured that just wasn't my personality.

Well, I suppose I could tell you that I'm working my way to teaching English in Korea. Hopefully by March of 2015, I'll be getting on an airplane to Wanderland. I guess I could mention that I'm hoping to uproot my entire life for an indefinite amount of time, and teach English to fund my wanderlust. Or maybe I can start off by saying that I'm no one special; just an average college student with no idea of what's "next." Yeah, that sounds about right. I don't know what's next, and for a long time that bothered me. But, now, I think I'm just going to enjoy the ride.

Cheers to the journey ahead!
Welcome to Wanderland

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